Condensing boilers and water heaters operate at the highest efficiency. Any gas fired appliance rated above 85% efficiency will transfer heat so efficiently the flue gas will be cool enough to fall below the dew point and the gas will “condense” back into a liquid. This condensation picks up the products of combustion which is very acidic. Therefore the boilers required material of construction must be robust enough to handle and operate in this environment. Hydrotemp offers several solutions to your design needs.
- Patterson-Kelley SONIC Series Boilers
- Patterson-Kelley STORM Series Boilers
- Patterson-Kelley SOLIS Series Boilers
- Patterson-Kelley MACH Series Boilers
- Raypak Xvers Series Firetube Boilers
- Raypak Xpak Series Firetube Boilers
- Raypak Xtherm Series Boilers & Water Heaters
- Raypak Xfyre Series Boilers & Water Heaters
- Riello ARRAY Series Boilers
- Riello ARRAY SE Series Boilers
- Riello RTC Series Boilers
- Riello RTC-80 Series Boilers
- Cosmogas Condensing Boilers